10 Years on Stage (CD)

Released December 2004

Please select one of the songs below to listen to the music of the Paros Chamber Choir.
Full length downloadable MP3s of these songs are available in our on-line store for 99˘.

Available songs
1 Garun Ekav (itís Springtime) Go
2 Oror (lullaby) Go
3 Koghba Yayli Go
4 Vush-vush Go
5 Kumar Go
6 Zulo Go
7 Akchik Du Sirun
(Oh You Beautifu Girll)
8 Plpuln Avarayri Go
9 Zarkek Tmbuk
(a chorus from "Karine" Operetta)
10 Tsitsernak (Swallow) Go
11 Nazan Im Yar Go
12 Tebe Poem(We Sing To Thee) Go
13 Kalinka Go
14 Ave Maria Go
15 O Cessate Di Piagarmi Go
16 Lacrymosa Go
17 I Heard The Bells Go
18 Jingle Bells Go
19 Silent Night Go

Oh, Armenian World (CD)

Released 2002

Please select one of the songs below to listen to the music of the Paros Chamber Choir.
Full length downloadable MP3s of these songs are available in our on-line store for 99˘.

Available songs
1 National Holy Humn (komitas) Go
2 Bam, Porotan (Kanachyan) Go
3 Lepho, Le, Le (C. Kara-Murza) Go
4 Prends Une Rose (Dessage, G. Mardel & J. Claudric) Go
5 Nubar, Nubar (Armenian Folk Song) Go
6 Moonlight (Armenian Folk Song)
Bingyol (Armenian Folk Song)
7 Hoy Nazan Im (Komitas) Go
8 Lord, Bless The Armenian (M. Yekmalyan) Go
9 Hres Ekan Seler (Armenian Folk Song) Go
10 Oh, Armenian World (M. Yekmalyan) Go
11 Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves from Nabucco (G. Verdi) Go